Sunday, March 13, 2016

Plans | Sam Adams Brewery Tour

I love birthdays, beer, and parties, so I combined the 3 for Jon's belated birthday party. With the brewery scene exploding, there are tons of great options in many cities for brewery tours. I find them to be the perfect activity for a group--learn something new, get a little tipsy, and enjoy a new experience. Sam Adams is no new brewery, though. It has a pretty longstanding tradition of hoppy excellence.

Yesterday morning, a group of us ventured out to the brewery for an 11:00 tour. The tour was fantastic, and we enjoyed a pretty hearty sampling after the educational portion of the tour.

Sam Adams partners with a local restaurant, Doyle's, and runs a party shuttle between the two locations. Our crew made our way over to Doyle's for lunch. The best deal is that if you buy a beer at lunch, you'll get to keep the "Perfect Pint" glass it comes in. Nice!

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